Temporal Free Cortisol Rhythm (TAP)

Four saliva samples are used in the TAP™ for the following tests:

4 x Cortisol- Helps evaluate the stress response



The Adrenal Stress Index™ (ASI™) 

Four saliva samples are used in the ASI™ for the following tests:

4 x Cortisol -Helps to test the stress response

2 x Insulin– Helps to investigate blood sugar control

DHEA/DHEAS– Helps to determine stress adaptation

Secretory IgA– Helps to test the toll on immunity

17-OH Progesterone -Helps to determine adrenal reserve

Gluten antibodies– Helps to identify grain intolerance


Beyond-Biology Physicians can use the findings in these panels to recommend customized treatment and preventive measures that may include diet and lifestyle changes, hormones, botanicals and vitamins.

*Not Available in NY*