6. Refined Grains

How many “TV Nutritionists” have told us all “more grains” you need to increase the amount of grain in your diet? This is probably the most common of the bad advice out there. Today’s grains are almost devoid of nutrition. They are low in vitamins and low in fiber like a refined sugar and they are what we would call empty calories. For the most part they have a very high glycemic index and they contribute to inflammation in your aging body. Chronic exposure to these inflammatory foods makes you more susceptible to coronary disease and cancer according to the studies.

Where do you find refined grains?

White bread, white rice, pasta, noodles, cookies, pastry and many, many of your favorite cereals. They are often loaded with excess sugar, hydrogenated oils and salt to make them taste better.

How can you be sure your grain is unrefined?

Now that is a hard question. For the most part the food industry has failed us in this regard. Boxes that say whole grain may not always be 100% untouched grains. I think that good vegetables are a perfect substitute, organic vegetables wherever possible is the best way to combat the perils of the inflammation.

We know this is very difficult and we are here to help. Call us today and we will teach you how to get started. 888-908-0804

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