Staying away from these foods will give you an instant boost to your health!

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that almost 13 million people worldwide died from some type of cardiovascular disease in 2004. Every year according to the World Cancer Research Fund we lose 8 million people to Cancer. Both of these are associated with deadly chronic inflammation.

Well what are the foods that cause inflammation?

1. Sugars


Sugar is found in juice, soft drinks, cake, cookies, bread, pastries, and candies and is hidden in most prepared foods. We need to read the labels and avoid dextrose, corn syrup, golden syrup, maltose, sucrose, glucose, galactose….and honestly most words that end in “ose” are suspect. Substitute Stevia or Xylitol wherever possible. Eat low sugar or low glycemic fruits as snacks and desserts like strawberries, blackberries and raspberries