New research studies have shown that the flavanol epicatechins that are from dark chocolate, green tea, and black tea can be helpful in supporting healthy blood pressure. Sabine Ellinger a scientist from the University of Bonne in Germany just published her findings in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition using the data from four randomized controlled clinical trials.

The data in the studies showed that the amount of epicatechin was important and the benefits depended on the amount of the flavanol you consume. 25mg of epicatechins reduced blood pressure an average of 4.1 mm Hg systolic and reduced 2 mm Hg diastolic.

Sounds like a small amount, but, researchers say this amounts to 10% lower stroke death, and 7% lower heart attack death.  That is significant benefit.

Now does this mean we all go out and eat as much dark chocolate as we can find and wash it down with green tea? No, all you need is about 50 grams of a good dark chocolate, as low in sugar as you can find while having a high cocoa content will be best.  Green tea daily or a green tea extract capsule is not to be beat for all the amazing health benefits it brings you.

Seems like there are simple and pleasant things to add to your diet that can greatly benefit your health and they are enjoyable too! If you have any questions about simple changes to your diet that can be important to your health please feel free to call us at 888-908-0804