Soy Free Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is an essential building block for your life, health and wellness!  Your whole body can benefit from PC as it works throughout the body repairing cellular function to the tissues damaged by inflammation and oxidative stress.

PC applications are clinically significant and have been found to be therapeutic to the body.

PC is particularly active and beneficial:

  • As a Holistic Cell Membrane Therapy* (Cell Support)
  • PC Supports Gut Health and Repair* (Digestive Support)
  • It can also enhances Acetylcholine Synthesis and Neurological Processes * (Brain and Nerve Support)
  • Increases Glutathione Production in the Liver Naturally by Restoring Depleted SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) Levels* (Liver and Mood Support)
  • PC Even Supports Liver Cell Membrane Restructuring, Repair, Regeneration and Proliferation* (Liver Support)
  • PC is also an Excellent Source of Choline for the Liver, Cholesterol Metabolism, and Healthy Bile* (Liver and Gallbladder Support)  Are you on statins? Read and share this article by Dr Gail HERE
  • Phosphatidylcholine (PC) has been shown in numerous studies to protect liver cells from toxin damage.* PC also exhibits the potential to decrease dietary cholesterol absorption. (Liver and Cardiovascular Support)
  • Phosphatidylcholine is an essential building block for life and a critical component to foundational whole body wellness* Soy Free Phosphatidylcholine

Phosphatidylcholine or PC is simple to support with supplements but sometimes hard to find in a Soy Free version. The physicians at Beyond Biology have sourced a Soy Free Phosphatidylcholine that is Doctor approved and we suggest up to 1000 mg per day in divided doses. Please contact us at Beyond Biology 561.839.9420 if you have any further questions!

Dr. Gail